49+ View Pictures of Bob Crane

49+ View Pictures of Bob Crane. 26/2/2017 · bob crane was a man conflicted. Family photographs taken with his three children, robert jr., debbie and karen depict a doting father who truly loved his kids. But, at the same time, he was harboring a deep obsession. Crane died from the two blows to his head, and the electoral cord was tied around his neck right at the time of death, possibly to stop the noise he may have been making in the final throes of death. 林盛斌(英語: bob lam shing bun,1979年9月24日 - ),香港電台及電視節目主持、唱片騎師,現為無綫電視基本藝人合約藝員,曾主持節目《新香蕉俱樂部》。 他於2012年加盟無綫電視,首個主持的tvb電視遊戲節目是《登登登對》,亦經常繁忙演出及主持電視節目,並將電台工作當成副職,極少出現在.